A big welcome to the beautiful new Hero Dogs service puppies! The new dogs have just been checked out and all are doing well. Each of the pups will be trained over the course of 18 months to become a service dog, therapy dog, or skilled home companion to support our service-disabled veterans and first responders. Once a human companion is chosen, they work together for an additional year getting to know one another and learning to work together. In the meantime, each new puppy will play, bite, eat, snuggle, and of course, sleep like it’s nobody’s business.

And they’ve been named!

CPL Patrick D. Tillman, USA – “Tilly”

CAPT Glenn H. Montgomery, USN – “Monty”

CAPT Shelly C. Rood, USA – “Roo”

Sgt. Grover Sassaman, USMC – “Grover”

CPO Chris Nevada, USN – “Nevada”

GEN Martin E. Dempsey, USA – “Dempsey”

Update on Captain, My Hero Dog in Training

Hero Dog Captain is going through a natural growth and socialization period where he is learning what it’s like to respond to LOADS of attention. As a tiny pup, he did not have the awareness to know what to do, but now that he’s a big boy, he will learn how to respond to difficult and sometimes anxiety-inducing situations. Personally, I think he loves the attention ;-)

Captain also endured the humbling but important experience of being neutered. He did very well and seemed to enjoy his cone as a “cone of pride” rather than one of shame.


Captain attended his first Nationals game which was very exciting. As you can imagine, he was the center of a lot of attention, but he knew to wait patiently before saying hello. He also learned not to bark when he saw other service and police dogs nearby.

If you’re interested in learning how to be a puppy raiser, feel free to contact me. Thanks!